
  • Kids Help Phone

    Need help now?

    Text CONNECT to 686868.

    Text, call, and website services are free and available across Canada 24/7, 365.

    Check the website for resources and articles to support your well-being or the well-being of your peers, youth, or community members.

  • Resources for Caring Adults from Kids Help Phone

    Browse articles, tools and tips developed to help parents/caregivers, educators and other caring adults support the young people in their lives.

  • Right time, Right care: Strengthening Ontario’s Mental Health and Addictions System of Care

    Check out the Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions project page to see how they are working with lead agencies, School Mental Health Ontario and Children’s Mental Health Ontario, to support an integrated system of care between the education and child and youth mental health and addictions sectors.

  • Something On Your Mind?

    Mental health is part of everyone’s journey, and this graphic may help you understand that journey and provide steps to begin working through your journey.

  • Starlings Community - A New Path Forward

    A report on the harm stigma imposes on children exposed to parental substance use disorder with recommendations for carving a new path forward. Please visit Starlings Community to access additional resources at

  • Mind Your Mind - Wellness Deck

    The Wellness Deck is a card deck that provides tangible wellness tips to support your overall emotional well-being and wellness journey. These cards can be found on the Mind Your Mind website: Please visit for more interactive tools and resources supporting youth wellness.